Increase followers on Instagram with contests and stories

Increasing followers on Instagram is the goal of anyone who opens a channel on this social network: online you can find more or less legitimate strategies that suggest buying fans and exchanging favors and clicks.

However, by learning to understand how Instagram works, you understand how to best use all its potential and involve real and really interested users.

On the other hand, we must never forget that we are talking about a community of real people and the success of a channel lies in the fact of involving and inspiring the public with its contents to capture attention and / or spread quality messages.
Increase followers on Instagram: first rule, don’t improvise!
Surely you cannot improvise as an “Instagram expert” and if you want to open a channel you must have adequate knowledge about all the tools that characterize it.

Poor quality posts and photographs certainly provide a very different image from the one we would like to convey to the general public: so the first piece of advice is to practice a lot and deepen and test the functioning of all the options of the social network.

Alternatively, it is possible to contact professional figures specialized in the use and development of social accounts, who thanks to the accumulated experience can identify strategies tailored to their needs.

Quality or quantity? Increase followers on Instagram with the contest technique
It is therefore important to highlight the difference between quality and quantity of the users who follow us: if we buy fans, in fact, we do nothing but enlarge a number next to the logo, a number that will however be representative of inactive accounts.

Instead, to involve truly interested followers, one of the most successful techniques is that of contests.

It involves activating forms of creative involvement that require, for example, users to comment or follow their account to participate in a contest.

Similarly, you can ask your users to post an image and associate a specific hastag to it so that it is traceable and traceable to your account.

Stimulating an action in the public allows you to expand the state of satisfaction and involvement, inviting followers to be more and more reactive and loyal to the brand.
Using Stories to Increase Instagram Followers
Among the most recent tools that Instagram has made available to users we find the stories: the stories allow you to share more related images without the danger of “overposting”, which would lead to a real saturation of the feed lists and of your profile page.

In this way the photos are collected and linked to tell a real story that is not necessarily characterized by perfect shots but guarantees great personality to the overall message.

In this mode it is possible to broadcast short live videos: the live ones allow you to create and share an extremely human, natural and therefore even more engaging experience, which differs greatly from the perfectly retouched photos normally published in the various profiles.

Thanks to the stories, the brand can retain its followers and gain new ones in a creative way.