Tomatoes with garlic – an effective combination in respiratory viruses and cardiovascular diseases

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world. Studies have shown that it has important benefits for the cardiovascular system.
Mediterranean diet – heart diet Due to the fact that it decreases cardiometabolic risk factors, it contributes to the prevention of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Moreover, the Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower rate of mental disorders, depression and cognitive decline. Experts recommend it for the prevention of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. Mediterranean diet fights vascular disease In the 1960s, researchers found that mortality from coronary heart disease was lower in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. This is when the Mediterranean diet began to become known and appreciated. Subsequent studies have confirmed that people who adhere to this type of diet have lower cardiovascular risk factors.

What the Mediterranean diet entails Following a Mediterranean??-style diet means including vegetables, fruits and whole grains in your daily meals. Fats need to be healthy – olive and avocado oil are just two examples. Weekly, you should eat fish and chicken, legumes and eggs. Dairy products are consumed in moderation, and red meat in very small portions. This diet is based on plant foods and healthy fats. A recipe specific to the populations of the Mediterranean region is bruschetta.

People who often eat tomatoes can enjoy greater protection against strokes, heart ischemia and arrhythmia. Walnuts have similar benefits. Compared to northern European countries, the Mediterranean population enjoys better vascular health. Tomatoes become healthier when served with a source of healthy fats, such as extra virgin olive oil. The habit of eating bruschetta can be adopted by anyone, because the ingredients of this recipe are easily accessible to us. You need a few slices of browned bagel in the oven. Grease them with a little olive oil, then rub them with raw garlic. Place a few diced tomatoes on top and sprinkle fresh basil on top. This appetizer helps not only fight atherosclerosis, but also respiratory viruses. On the basic recipe you can build more sophisticated recipes, adding more ingredients, such as cheese, tuna, salmon, chicken, pomegranate seeds, eggplant, peppers, mushrooms, pumpkin, avocado, etc.