Horseradish, an excellent food for the brain, heart and bones. Here’s how to use it

Horseradish is a root, appreciated for its spicy aroma, which is used both as food – fresh and as medicine – in the form of tincture and syrup.

Normalizes voltage.

Certain substances contained in horseradish have beneficial effects on blood circulation in peripheral areas.

Thus, the consumption of horseradish normalizes blood pressure and prevents the risk of blood clots.

At the same time, horseradish sulfur substances improve the elasticity of the cerebral and coronary vessels, thus reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Soothes cough.

Horseradish decongests the respiratory system, thus being recommended in the treatment of asthma. In coughs, swallow a teaspoon of a composition of grated horseradish mixed with sugar and left for half a day in a warm place.

The cure should not last more than a month, because in large quantities horseradish is irritating.

The natural analgesic.

Horseradish is also recommended against colds and flu. From the first symptoms it is good to eat horseradish in salads, next to a steak or even fresh, and the feeling of a stuffy nose will disappear.

Horseradish is a very good remedy for headaches, being a real painkiller. In this case you can use it in the form of compresses applied to the forehead.

Against rheumatism.

As an internal treatment, horseradish is also recommended for people suffering from rheumatism or gout. In a cup of warm milk add one or two teaspoons of finely grated horseradish. This preparation is drunk on an empty stomach, once or twice a day. The treatment should last about three weeks.

Stimulates appetite.

If you have no appetite, eat horseradish. The substance that gives the spicy taste of horseradish increases the secretion of gastric juice and restores appetite to anemic or anorexic people.

For a special effect, grated horseradish mixed with a little honey should be consumed. Take one teaspoon, three times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

Helps memory.

Horseradish is rich in B vitamins, necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and for improving memory. It also has a toning and cholesterol lowering action, but it is also very good for maintaining healthy skin and hair.