It will be easier to bear! Useful Tips for a bikini waxing less painful

Bikini became mandatory for an operation for any woman, no matter the time of year, but especially in summer, if you go to the beach. Waxing Wax is the best choice because the hair will grow thinner and less, but can be an unpleasant experience.

There are some methods that can make this method easier to bear, and the pain is alleviated.
“>Here’s what to do:

Scrub before shaving

After peeling thin hairs that grew into the skin and you will come out and remove dead cells. In this way, the wax will get effective on all hair and your skin will look flawless after. Ideally, you should apply your peeling the day before at least to go to the salon. An excellent peeling can be done with a lufe and a mild soap or coffee grounds.


Maybe you find it funny, but many women hold their breath when epilate for fear of pain. In fact this is the worst thing you can do as depriving the brain of oxygen increases the pain intensity. Experts say it’s good to inhale more air when it comes wax, and then as a cosmetician expire slowly pull the wax strip, according to the site

Keep in mind the cycle period

If you’re only a few days before menstruation, or several days after it is better to delay going to the salon for waxing because the skin is more sensitive during this period.

Choose hard wax

Therapists are using different types of wax depending on the area to be shaved. If you want to reduce the intensity of pain during waxing beautician you can tell you prefer to use hard wax, or you can buy one yourself. This type the wax is more effective and in addition there will be no need to send you more strips in the same place as it will take all the hair first attempt.

ice calm

After waxing you use ice to reduce pain and soothe the skin area. It is very important to not apply ice directly to the skin, but to wrap a towel thin and soft.