The 7 most common makeup removal mistakes and how to do it right

Properly removing makeup is essential for maintaining healthy skin and preventing issues like breakouts and irritation. Here are seven common makeup removal mistakes and how to do it right:

1. Sleeping with Makeup On: Mistake: Leaving makeup on overnight can clog pores, leading to breakouts and dull skin. Solution: Always remove your makeup before bed using a gentle makeup remover.

2. Using Harsh Products: Mistake: Using harsh cleansers or rubbing too hard can strip your skin of its natural oils and cause irritation. Solution: Opt for a gentle, oil-based or micellar water makeup remover that effectively lifts makeup without excessive scrubbing.

3. Neglecting Eye Makeup: Mistake: Ignoring eye makeup removal can lead to leftover mascara and eyeliner, causing eye irritation and potentially damaging your lashes. Solution: Use a dedicated eye makeup remover or micellar water on a cotton pad to gently remove eye makeup, holding the pad over your closed eye for a few seconds to dissolve the makeup before wiping.

4. Not Double Cleansing: Mistake: Relying solely on makeup wipes or cleansers might leave behind traces of makeup and impurities. Solution: Follow up your initial makeup removal with a gentle facial cleanser to ensure all makeup and residue are thoroughly removed.

5. Using Hot Water: Mistake: Hot water can strip your skin of moisture and exacerbate irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. Solution: Use lukewarm water when cleansing your face to avoid unnecessary drying.

6. Neglecting the Hairline and Jawline: Mistake: Forgetting to cleanse along the hairline, jawline, and neck can lead to a buildup of makeup and oils in those areas. Solution: Extend your makeup removal routine to include these often overlooked areas.

7. Rubbing Instead of Patting: Mistake: Aggressively rubbing your skin can cause redness and irritation. Solution: Gently pat or press your makeup remover onto your skin, allowing it to dissolve the makeup, and then wipe away gently.

Bonus Tip: Exfoliate Regularly: To prevent makeup from clinging to dry, flaky skin, exfoliate a couple of times a week. However, avoid exfoliating on the same day you remove makeup, as it can cause additional sensitivity.

Remember that everyone’s skin is different, so it’s essential to tailor your makeup removal routine to your specific skin type and concerns. Always be gentle and prioritize the health of your skin when removing makeup.