How to make a website

Social networking sites, Facebook in the first place, have acquired a key role in the promotion of content and online activities. However there are still many good reasons to open a website and offer its audience a reference point at which further ideas, projects and propose content they are still too tight on the pages of the social.

Prices for achieving professional Internet sites now are affordable, in some cases abbordabilissimi. But, if you want, you can take your first steps into the world of the Web also at no cost. How? Rolling up your sleeves and realizing itself alone a website based on templates ready for use. Do not need any technical knowledge to succeed.

The credit goes to some free online services (in their basic plans) that, without having to install additional programs on your computer, allow to build the pages and content of a website in a very intuitive way. Let you insert, move and edit content of all kinds: blocks of text, images, videos etc. social buttons. with a simple click and apply all the changes made by the user in real time. What do you say? Want to find out how to make a website using them?

The first service for creating websites “prepackaged” I want to talk to you today is that in his plan Weebly offers a free third-level domain structured in this way: and an unlimited number of pages. It also allows the creation of e-commerce sites, but with a limit of 5 products.

To open your site on Weebly, linked to the home page of the service type name, email address and password you want to use for your account in the form located on the right and click Start to go to the next step.

Next, choose whether to open a traditional website, a blog or an online store (in your case you should choose the site) and select the graphic theme that you want to use from those proposed. When the operation is completed, put the check mark next to Use a subdomain of, type the address you want to assign to the first site and click Continue and then Create my site to start building your Web pages.

Now you just have to use the buttons in the sidebar to the right to add new content to the site. Drag them with the mouse in the desired, customize with the toolbars that appear next to the mouse pointer and, when you’re satisfied with the result, make the active site by clicking the Publish button located at the top right.

For more information, read my previous tutorial on how to create a Web site in which I explained to you step by step how to make a website with Weebly.

 Come fare un sito
Another service that you should consider is that Wix offers 500MB of space, unlimited pages and a domain composed in this way:

To open your Wix site, connected to the main page of the service, click the Start button and choose now if you sign up with your email by filling out the form that is proposed or if you log in with your Facebook account by clicking on Login and Google Login with Facebook or Google.

Now, select a main category and a sub-category from the list that will be proposed (eg. Music> Band, Blog> Personal, Design> Portfolio) and presses the button Go, choose what theme you want to use for your website click on the Edit button to start to customize this site.

The Wix editor is intuitive, the first access is playing a video that illustrates the core functionality. On the left you’ll find a toolbar with buttons Action: Pages to select, add or remove pages; Design to set colors, background and font to be used; Add to enter the site blocks of text, images and other content; Wix App Market that allows you to install extensions in the site (eg. Widget to invoke external Web services) and Settings to display the address of the website, statistics and adjust the SEO (search engine optimization).

So how about Weebly, you can move and change the items on the screen with a simple click and the changes applied to the site are made available to the public in an instant: just click on the Register button located at the top right.

For more information on Wix and its operation, I invite you to see my previous guide on the creation of Web sites in which I told you about this service even more depth.

If you do not want to open a static site but a blog post in which your thoughts or other content that need a more flexible structure than that of traditional sites, you can also try using services such as WordPress, Blogger, Google and MyBlog of Virgil are free, very easy to use and offer a lot of interesting features