How to earn online seriously

Browsing on the Internet is not difficult to find banners or videos that promise stratospheric gains in exchange for a few clicks. Well, they are all nonsense! Those services are much more serious – of which I spoke to you on the blog – which is not bragging gains three or four zeros and allow to make some money just by writing reviews, guides or selling any object used online.
“>Too bad, in fact, make it possible to supplement their income and nothing more.

This means that you can strike up a business stable and profitable on the Web? Absolutely no. Of success stories related to the Internet there are many, even in Italy, but we should not raise false illusions: in the large network, as well as in the real world, nobody gives anything to anyone. You have to be good at identifying an area in which to work, to go all out to succeed in their intent and hope that luck is on their side.

I know. I painted a scene a bit ‘daunting but, again, it is not my intent to turn off your enthusiasm: I just want to avoid you to get the wrong idea about what it means to set up an online business. If you want, for me to “forgive,” I can give you some ideas on how to earn money online seriously speaking to some activities that can potentially generate revenues comparable to those of an average salary. And I repeat the “potentially”.

Open an online store

Just as happens in the real world, including on the Internet you can structure a very solid business on the sale of objects. This works even better if you have a physical store and amp up your business with online sales. Also because, among other things, the costs to be incurred are not very high.

There are services such as Blomming, which allow you to open a real online store and sell any goods unlimited quantities. Also on Facebook. The service is extremely intuitive (you can also use those who do not understand anything of computer science) and has two levels: the base which costs EUR 19.99 per month and the Premium for 24.99 € / month also offers a custom domain. In both cases, you can try it free for 15 days before deciding. For more info check out my tutorial on how to open an online store and how to use Facebook to sell.

Alternatively, if you do not want groped the way of the store staff, you can rely on online store already famous and exploit their popularity to get to a potentially broader. Among the services that offer a solution of this kind are: Amazon that allows you to sell up to 40 articles a month for 0.99 euro to article + a variable fee depending on the category of the object, or, for volumes d ‘biggest business, 39 euro per month + commission which generally is 0.50 and 1.50 euro; eBay instead allows you to open an online store by paying a minimum of EUR 17.35 / month + commission on items offered for sale; Etsy where you can open a small online store to sell items handmade or vintage items (old at least 20 years old) at 20 cents for insertion and a commission of 3.5% to article.

developing applications

Develop apps for success and make money is a little how to win the lottery, I know, but if you’re a fan of technology and studies this matter could combine business with pleasure by reconciling your university activities with a business project .
From look at my articles on how to create an app and how to program for Android in which you have reported many useful resources to explore the theme of the program and try it. At worst you will end up anyway to have made a useful experience to your studies.
Open a blog

Webmaster seriously with a website or blog is not easy. To see some results must grow much visits, intelligently manage social networks and effectively utilize both banner advertising is the affiliate programs that allow you to get commissions on products purchased by users on Amazon, iTunes and other stores online.

To get closer to the subject I invite you to read my guide on how to create a WordPress blog and how to run a WordPress blog where I showed you how to set up a blog “on their ownand begin to populate it interesting articles; my tutorial on how to monetize a blog in which I explained the basics of Google Adsense advertising system and my post on how to have many “likes” on a Facebook page and how to make money with Facebook instead relate to the social aspect of what could become your business.

Writing a book

Love to write? You have written a novel but can not find a publisher willing to publish it? Try to turn your passion into a job thanks to the Internet. There are self-publishing platforms (self-publishing) that allow you to publish their works in digital or paper earning money from the sale of each copy (which of course you have to pay commissions).

Among the services the most famous of this type there are Lulu I mentioned in my tutorial on how to publish a book for free and Amazon instead of which I spoke in my guide on how to publish a book on Amazon Italy.

Do’s and Don’ts

In conclusion, let me give you some advice on what to do and what NOT to do to earn money online seriously. It is little common sense tips that I hope will help you to set up your online business successful.
• Do not EVER believe the promises of easy money. Forget systems multilevel marketing and focused on what are your goals, even if initially you will not have a significant economic return.
• Keep track of your passions, but also those of others. He studied carefully the field in which you want to take your business, talk to people who already work there and find out if there is fertile ground for setting up a successful business.

He also works outside the traditional times. Waiver of a weekend by the sea, a few night out with friends and a few movies, you’ll see that occupying that time to grow your business will pay you back.
Do not expect suffered considerable gains. Even in the digital industry takes time to engage” activity, do not throw it all up for a few months if you can not scrape together enough money. Insist and eventually you‘ll win.