Revealing the Astonishing Discovery in the Secret Bucegi Mountains Tunnel

What was discovered in the secret tunnel under the Bucegi Mountains? We all know the legend of the underground tunnel that would run through our country, but few know how complex its story is.

The secrets of the tunnels in the Bucegi Mountains

In the volume “Secrets of Underground Romania” it is stated that under the territory of our country there are 500 kilometers of tunnels dating back to ancient times, according to Adevărul. Many legends have been told about them, some of them more fantastic, but nothing has been confirmed to this day. It is said that they do not exist only in Bucegi, but in the entire Carpathian chain. During the time of the Dacians, they had the role of hiding the treasure or had a strategic role, and these catacombs would have been known only to priests and a few chieftains

In the Bucegi massif, there would be two tunnels that cross the area as far as Peştera Urșilor, in the Western Carpathians, and other galleries lead to Retezatul and Răul, in the Ceahlău massif, where there would be real sanctuaries.

The existence of these tunnels is attributed to some “measurements”, after which it would have been found that all these catacombs would form the outline of a huge wolf with its mouth open. The one who put forward this theory of tunnels is Constantin Bursuc, a professor of physics from Iași. He claimed that he himself would have entered such a tunnel in the 90s. Moreover, the alleged research would have been done with the help of unusual methods such as space jumps, duplication or telepathy.

“We started our research in Suceava county, where there is an entrance gate to this network of artificial underground tunnels. From there, the network starts in three directions: one in the Rădăuţi – Suceava direction, another under the Retezat, Bucegi, Ceahlău and Satu Mare mountains, and a third passes under the Godeanu mountain, west of the Tismana monastery. It wasn’t the tunnels that actually interested me, but for me it was the curiosity if there was an ancient civilization that created them, and what was their purpose. I think that population transfers were made through them, but ores were also transported”, says Constantin Bursuc, according to the quoted source.



Moreover, the entrance remains a mystery to this day, the only clue being the base of the Toaca peak: The tunnel in question was on a slope, it was about 10 meters wide and 15 meters high, with a vault, and in it gravity was partially canceled, so that the movement inside was he was doing in leaps and bounds. I suspected that these tunnels belonged to a network built by the Hiberborean civilization, with internal roads that run on the principle of anti-gravity, where a 100 kg body ends up weighing only 6th of the weight. The inner rooms were lit with phosphor sconces from place to place.”

The theory is dismantled
However, all these theories are dismantled by specialists who really know the area, such as the chief Salvamont Neamţ, who said a few years ago that the only formations that lead to the basement of the massif are only a few tens of meters deep caves: “A cave like this, or cavena, as they are called in speleology, is in the Dochia cabin area, more precisely at Detunate. The descent is made on an empty fall of about 40 meters, secured in support ropes. Then there is a descending corridor of about 20 meters, after which you reach a very narrow room that houses a pillar of ice. There it is an active glacier. In total there are about 96 meters of descent, and a very narrow exit takes you out between Detunate”, said the specialist according to Adevărul.

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